Tefal GV 8330

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Product line description: Domestic line

Special designed iron shoes, also made from 0,50mm PTFE material and aluminum, with light frame, like for steam boiler iron shoes.

Small holes on perforated surface insure steaming on whole surface of iron and version with big holes, grant direct staming from iron, but without dangerous contact with hot iron plate.

New product


We can to produce all shapes from your needs, please take a look in our interactive catalogue for suitable shape. If is not present in catalogue, please contact us directly, or see instructions by ''How to order''


The price of the iron shoes depends on your order quantity, annual usage, and the number of items per delivery. Please tell us your requirements, and we will offer you our best service. Dealers and retailers are given good reductions. Our products can also be delivered by post to your factory or home address and any destination worldwide in the shortest time possible.